Journal of Popular Education in Africa (JOPEA) is a refereed academic journal that publishes interdisciplinary research outputs from Africa and the rest of the world. With basis in education, the journal seeks to provide a niche for researchers in education in Africa and abroad. It is a rigorous platform that provides academics from diverse fields’ opportunity to accomplish their scholarly desires in knowledge creation and dissemination. The journal provides space for both junior and senior scholars to articulate their ideas and research findings in various disciplinary fields, without discrimination based on gender, race, creed or political belief. Designed to serve scholars researching on Africa and the entire world, the journal seeks to make noble efforts for the enlightenment of multidisciplinary issues using case studies and examples from all parts of the world. We produce this electronic journal monthly and promote the vibrant research entries with precise and appropriate touches and by bridging the gap between perception and the inception. The journal is published on behalf of African Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ASREA)


  • Area of concentration: Multidisciplinary
  • Frequency of publishing: Monthly
  • Mode of publishing: online (e-journal)
  • Language of publication: English
  • Double Blind Review Process
  • Zero Level Plagiarism Tolerance

JOPEA – Benefits to online publications:

  • Easy and fast publishing process
  • Can be accessed anywhere by other scholars
  • JOPEA is an open source journal and promotes wider circulation
  • Low publication fee to promote research work
  • JOPEA hopes to be indexed in Google Scholar, Docstoc, ResearchGate, Scribd and many others
  • JOPEA provides individual Soft Copy of Certificate of Publication to each Author of an article.


  • Rigorous peer review process
  • Platform to share research knowledge with the world
  • Promoting research work
  • Platform to showcase research findings
  • Dedicated specialist editorial and review team
  • Multicultural and interdisciplinary focus
  • Low publication fee to promote research work

The principal purpose of us is to provide assistance to both senior and junior scholars by promoting their research and dissemination. We promote mentoring of junior scholars by senior scholars. We assist scholars to understand peer review comments and incorporate them. We provide space to allow them to transform their research findings and academic papers into publications. We promote interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research using unique designs such as descriptive survey, case studies, meta-analysis, grand narratives and theories as well as theoretical articles. Please send your paper to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.